Inqubomgomo yobumfihlo

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo se-Zhiben EP Tech Group

Kwa-Zhiben Environmental Protection Technology Group, inhloso yethu ukukunikeza izinga lenkonzo yomuntu siqu ongeke uyithole kwenye indawo.I-ZHIBEN ihlonipha futhi ivikela ubumfihlo bamakhasimende ethu nawo wonke umuntu ovakashela ingosi yethu.Lesi sitatimende sobumfihlo sihloselwe ukukwazisa ukuthi yiluphi ulwazi esivame ukuluqoqa - nokuthi sihlose ukulusebenzisa kanjani.

Ulwazi Esiluqoqayo

Njengomkhuba wokuzijwayeza, siqoqa igama lesizinda, I-Uniform Resource Locator (URL), kanye nekheli le-Internet Protocol (IP) labavakashela iwebhusayithi yethu.Ukwengeza, i-ZHIBEN iqoqa ulwazi oluhlanganisiwe lokuthi yimaphi amakhasi amakhasimende awafinyelelayo noma awavakashelayo, kanye nolwazi lokungena olunikezwa ngocwaningo, ama-imeyili, noma ukubhaliswa kwesayithi.

Esikwenzayo Ngayo Nesingakwenzi

Sisebenzisa ulwazi esiluqoqayo ukuze sithuthukise okuqukethwe yiwebhusayithi yethu.Lapho kufaneleka khona, sabelana ngolwazi lwezibalo oluhlanganisiwe nozakwethu bebhizinisi.Lezi zibalo azifaki noma yiluphi ulwazi oluhlonza umuntu siqu.

Izixhumanisi Zangaphandle, Izinkampani Ezisebenzisanayo Nezisiza Ezingaphansi

Isizindalwazi sethu siqukethe izixhumanisi eziya ezingosini ze-inthanethi zangaphandle, kanye namawebhusayithi e-ZHIBEN namawebhusayithi angaphansi, angase abe nezinqubo zobumfihlo ezehlukile kulezo ezitholakala uchofoza izixhumanisi ezikuyisa kumasayithi anjalo, uzoba ngaphansi kwezinqubomgomo zabo zobumfihlo, futhi sikukhuthaza ukuthi ujwayelane nezinqubomgomo zobumfihlo zalelo qembu, njengoba lezi zingahluka kulezo ezisetshenziswa kusayithi lethu.Sicela wazi ukuthi lesi sitatimende sobumfihlo sisebenza kuphela olwazini oluqoqwe yi-ZHIBEN esizeni sethu futhi asibonisi ubumfihlo be-ZHIBEN be-offline kanye/noma izinqubomgomo zokuqoqa nokulungisa imininingwane engaxhunyiwe.Nakuba i-ZHIBEN isekela ngokuqinile ukuvikelwa kobumfihlo ku-inthanethi, ngeke sikwazi ukubhekana nezinqubo zobumfihlo zamanye amawebhusayithi, ukusetshenziswa kolwazi oluqoqwe ngamanye amawebhusayithi, noma okuqukethwe kwalawo mawebhusayithi.


Asibambisene nabo noma sibe nobudlelwano obukhethekile nezinkampani zeseva yesikhangiso.Ngezikhathi ezithile, singase sisebenzise imininingwane yekhasimende ezintweni ezintsha, ezingalindelekile ezingadalulwanga ngaphambilini kunqubomgomo yethu yobumfihlo.Uma izinqubo zethu zolwazi zishintsha esikhathini esithile esizayo, sizothumela izinguquko zenqubomgomo kuwebhusayithi ye-ZHIBEN ukuze sikwazise ngalezi zinguquko futhi sikunikeze amandla okuphuma kulokhu kusebenzisa okusha.Uma ukhathazekile ngokuthi ulwazi lwakho lusetshenziswa kanjani, kufanele uhlole isayithi lethu ngezikhathi ezithile.

Ongaxhumana Nabo Ngemibuzo

You are responsible for protecting information and systems on your premises. If you are concerned about the security of information in these systems, you should contact your Information Technology (IT) department. When these systems are provided by us, we provide tools to facilitate these efforts to meet your business needs. If you feel that this website is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us by e-mail at Revised August 2021 Applicable law and jurisdiction By accessing the Site and using the facilities and/or services provided through the sites on the Site, you agree that such access and the implementation and/or provision of the services shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China and that you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People's Republic of China.